






摘译自 路透社


IEA: Global Coal demand will remain stable by 2024

global coal demand is expected to remain stable by 2024 as growth in Asia offsets weak demand in Europe and the United States, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said Tuesday.

Over the past two weeks, negotiators from more than 190 countries have met in Madrid to try to work out rules to meet the 2015 Paris climate agreement, which calls for the actual end of coal-fired power by 2050.

Despite the growth of low-carbon fuels in recent decades, the reality is that coal remains the main fuel in the global energy market, IEA said. Coal consumption in the world today is 65 per cent higher than in 2000.

According to IEA, world coal demand is expected to grow at a compound annual rate of 0.5 per cent by 2024 and reach 5.624 billion tons of standard coal by 2024.

Demand in India is expected to increase, with demand growing at an annual rate of 4.2 per cent by 2024 and reaching 585 million tonnes of standard coal by 2024, according to IEA.

The IEA report shaped the expectations of governments, companies and investors about the prospects for the use of coal, oil and gas. But the agency has also been criticized by green groups and some financial institutions for underestimating the speed of the world's shift to renewable energy.




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